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Why is flat earth so important?

A friend of ours, Dr. R.B. who wrote previously for us, sent an eloquent text as to why they think that flat earth is so important to us as Christians.

*If the earth is flat, atheism is dead because our environment simply cannot have randomly emerged from nothing: there has to be a Creator.

*If there is a Creator, that means :

-we are just creatures (and not gods) and we are grateful for our lives: we have to be grateful

-the Creator is the only One to know the best way how our world works and what is our goal (like a inventor is best aware of the rules and aims of his machine), that is our best way to live is to obey His commandments

-the nature around us (diversity, beauty, complexity,...) gives us some information about Him (His perfection, power, intelligence, delicacy...) so we should respect, admire, adore and love Him

*but the FE model also indicates we are very special (not lost as dust in a gigantic vacuum) and nurtured in a very special and beautiful incubator where our God is quite near us, looking at us always and providing everything with our best interests at heart.

*FE is perfectly in accordance with the Sacred Scriptures, which become much clearer in some parts (especially all the FE verses and Genesis) that means we don't deed anymore to distort the meaning implying poetry, symbolism, order to keep faith in each of God's words, we can trust every single iota of the Bible as divinely revealed, as supernatural wisdom, as the verb, the way, the truth and the key to eternal life...

*we should be comforted as Christians that we get a comprehensive, rational, logical explanation for everything including suffering and death, we should be so happy and grateful for Our Lord Jesus-Christ's redemption

*as Catholics, we should :

-be proud of the Roman Catholic Church, our mother providing sacaments and teaching, be aware of her infallibility (especially concerning the geocentrism) and suffer from her 'eclipse' (as said in La Salette)

-knowing the threatening horror of hell, be willing to help our fellow brothers on earth, who are blinded by heliocentric idolatry and materialism, to pray and work for their salvation (Jacintha's vow)

-knowing the tremendous price Our Lord has paid for us, do our best to console Him of the sins of profanation, hatred and indifference (Francisco's vow)

-be conforted by Our Lady, Queen of wisdom, victorious of the devil, who confirmed FE in Fatima (the moving small sun, the hell underour feets, Jacintha's and Francesco's reactions) and be Her trusting and faithful children with special love...

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