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Fake Flat Earthers

If you type in "flat earth" into youtube, this is one of the top videos you get.

We recommend you all to watch it. It is a marvelous example of how there are fake flat earthers who exist only to make flat earthers look stupid. Whether it is conscious or not, only God can know.

Just look at the response given by these "flat earthers" when challenged by the journalist. ("Do you really believe this?" she asks) Mark says, "I absolutely believe it". He ought to have given an intelligent response, such as "Why do you think this phenomenon can only happen on a round earth?"".

It could of course be some very clever editing on the part of National Geographic. After all, it is clearly made to try to put the flat earth to death once and for all. However he gives no indication of this anywhere on the internet, and in fact does the opposite; he complains (on his youtube chanell) about how his interview was blocked in the US. The interview that is an embarrassment to flat earthers everywhere!

The journalist asks "why the conspiracy" and "who gains". Mark responds by referencing "the highest authorities". Whatever that is suppose to mean in his head....

Let us explain - who gains is Satan, and the millions of souls he drags to hell with his lies. The globe earth is a lie which takes us away from the God and his creation which is good. Let us banish pride and thank God for everything he has done for us.

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