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The Church Fathers were almost unanimous in their opinion that the earth was flat. Here we provide the citations to back that up.
The Church Fathers and the Flat Earth

"They thought that the world is round like a ball, ...consistently persevere in their folly, and defend one vain
thing by another" Divine Institutes - Chapter 24
“Where are those who say that the heaven is in motion? Where are those who think it is spherical? For both these opinions are here swept away.” Commentary on the Hebrews 8:1
St. John Chrysostom
"There are some who assert that this mass is like a point and globe...What, then, will the land be over ...?"" Commentary on Isaiah
St. Jerome
For its outline being spherical, it is necessary, they say...Now certainly the wretched ones were overwhelmed in the chaos of error - Discourse of the Ten Virgins, chapter 8
St. Methodius

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